
Full day of birding in Morro de Calzada Amazon Center, Moyobamba, Peru

Morro de Calzada Amazon Center

The Morro de Calzada Amazon Center is a conservation area that hosts interesting bird species, and is part of the Northern Peru Birding Route, very close to the city of Moyobamba. It also offers services for bird and wildlife watching and photography, for experienced and beginners.

Morro de Calzada Amazon Center

Since 2021 the company Ikam Expeditions has been working on the implementation of a natural area called Morro de Calzada Amazon Center – MCAC, which offers services for the observation and photography of birds and wildlife, near the lower area of the Conservation and Ecosystem Recovery Zone – ZoCRE Morro de Calzada.

To get from Moyobamba to Calzada we take the Fernando Belaunde Terry road, then we go to Morro de Calzada by an affirmed road and finally, we arrive to Morro de Calzada Amazon Center by the road to the Arenal sector.

During the month of August we received visitors who made observation and photography of birds and wildlife in the MCAC, expeditions that are detailed below.


Daytime birding tour

The activities started at 6:30 am from Moyobamba. At 7 am we arrived at the MCAC, and started with the birding in the crake and rail observatory, where we were able to observe Rufous-sided Crake, Uniform Crake and Blackish Rail.

Then we went to the hummingbird garden where we had breakfast, enjoying watching hummingbirds and with the background of the Morro and it’s beautiful forests. The main species observed were Rufous-crested Coquette, White-necked Jacobin, Great-billed Hermit, Black-throated Hermit, White-chinned Sapphire, among others.

After breakfast, we were able to observe groups of Andean Saddle-back Tamarin and San Martin Titi Monkey that arrived near the garden area, on their traditional journey through the forest in search of food. Also at that time we saw the Blue-crowned Trogon, Plumbeous Kite, Golden-collared Toucanet, Channel-billed Toucan, Crimson-crested Woodpecker, Cream-colored Woodpecker, Paradise Tanager, Fiery-capped Manakin, among the most important ones.

Later, we went for a walk along a trail to the Arenal area, where we were able to observe the endemic Painted Manakin, Zimmer’s Antbird, White-fronted Nunbird, Bluish-fronted Jacamar, Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant, Fiery-capped Manakin, Swallow-winged Puffbird, among other species.

Around 11 am we headed out of ZoCRE to a tanager observatory, where we recorded more than 07 species in just 2 hours: Burnished-buff Tanager, Black-bellied Tanager, Thick-billed Euphonia, Purple-throated Euphonia, Golden-bellied Euphonia, Orange-backed Troupial and Yellow-rumped Cacique.

Around 2 pm we went to a local restaurant for lunch.

Night birding tour

We returned to the Morro around 5:30 in the afternoon and began the bird watching activities through a walk, and then arrived at the MCAC facilities where after having a coffee, we began the search for birds and other nocturnal species. One of the species we were able to observe was the Ayaymama or Common Nictibio, a species that was observed continuously during the first weeks of August, then we were able to observe the Tropical Screech-Owl and also Band-bellied Owl. A total success. We were also able to observe frogs and nocturnal mammals.

The birding and wildlife observation and photography experience was satisfactory in all visits, made by expert birders, photographers, or nature lovers who wanted to experience for the first time the contact with birds and wildlife.

We look forward to new visits and new experiences to watch and photograph birds and wildlife.

eBird list of MCAC



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Una publicación compartida por Pablo Romo (@wildlifeofperu)

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