
Ecotourism in the department of San Martin – Peru

ecouturism in departament of san martin

The department of San Martin has the potential to develop ecotourism and outdoor recreation, due to the Amazon, its forests and the magical wildlife that lives there.

Natural Potential

San Martin is located in the northern jungle of Peru, bordering Loreto, La Libertad, Amazonas, Huanuco and Ucayali, and is one of the 15 departments with forests.

It also has a wide variety of ecosystems and species, due to its location, tropical climate and altitudinal levels (140 – 4350 m.a.s.l.) and is  a transition zone between the Andes and the Amazon.

In addition, it forms the zone of influence of the Northeast Corridor of the Tropical Andes Hotspot, which is recognized as the most diverse in the world.

Source: Hotspot Andes Tropicales (2020)

Connectivity and ecotourism services

Connectivity from Tarapoto is good by air and land.

There is a regular connection with Lima and the roads that connect with Alto Mayo, its majestic wetlands and protected forest, and with Yurimaguas, which crosses the Cordillera Escalera Regional Conservation Area, among other unique natural scenery.

On the other hand, activities such as wildlife observation, enjoyment of natural landscapes, and educational walks in the forests, among others, have become more professional.

Some cases are presented below:

  • Excursions in areas dedicated to conservation, such as: Alto Shilcayo in ACR Cordillera Escalera, Alto Mayo Protected Forest, Tingana Reserve and Santa Elena Reserve, among others.

  • Adaptation of rural properties and facilities for bird watching, such as: Aconabikh, Morro de Calzada Amazon Center, Arena Blanca Reserve, Llantería, Fundo Alto Nieva and Sendero Royal.

  • Innovation in the design and operation of ecotourism for the development of wildlife excursions.

In this sense, in San Martin there is an offer of quality ecotourism with added value, which can be of great attraction for the citizens of Peru and the world.

Keys to identifying ecotourism experiences in San Martin

  • Experiences are designed based on flora and fauna monitoring and the traveler’s knowledge of wildlife.

  • Personalized activities are offered, with a high degree of professionalism and the use of specialized equipment and material.

  • The company has experience in research and conservation projects.

  • The excursion groups are small and generate low impact.

  • Excursions are conducted under a code of ethics.

  • There is an effective conservation management at the sites visited.

  • Essential tourism services are available at the visitor sites.


Actividades en la naturaleza

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