The first chapter of the Voices of the Forest series is the Hummingbird Route, which allows us to learn about the diversity of hummingbirds that exist in the Northern Birding Route and especially the search for the Marvelous Spatuletail, as well as the sites that are dedicated to conservation of their habitat and the adaptation of facilities to allow their observation.
In Peru, 125 species of hummingbirds have been identified (SACCC, 2018) of the 340 that exist in the world (Smithsonian National Institute of Zoology and Conservation Biology, 2019) and more than 50% of them can be observed in the Northern Peru Birding Route, especially between the regions of San Martin and Amazonas, where there are reports of more than 50 species.
Hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world (with an average size of 8.5 cm. and a weight between 2 and 20 gr.) and can fly both backwards and forwards, from one side to the other, upside down and even float.
In addition, their physiology is also very interesting, hummingbirds compared to humans have a heart 5 times larger in proportion, breathe 20 times more and have a temperature 8 degrees higher. Because of this lifestyle, they require constant feeding during the whole day, with a diet of nectar and flying insects.
Finally, they show differences in the color of their plumage among the various species of hummingbirds, especially in the case of males and due to the variety of flowers they feed on, they have beaks of different size and shape (Audubon Arizona, 2019).
Birding sites
In the audiovisual exhibit, the following hummingbird observation sites are visited:
Morro de Calzada Amazon Center is a site managed by Ikam Expeditions and is located adjacent to the Morro de Calzada Conservation and Recovery Zone. The representative hummingbird is the Rufous-crested Coquette.
Arena Blanca Reserve is located in the buffer zone of the Alto Mayo Protected Forest. Mr. Norbil Becerra is in charge of its management. The representative hummingbird is the Wire-crested Thorntail.
La Llanteria, is a stop inside the Alto Mayo Protected Forest, which offers the opportunity to see very special hummingbirds such as the White-tipped Sicklebill and the Ecuadorian Piedtail. The site is managed by the Chuque family, which is represented by Lino.
Sendero Royal is another site within the Alto Mayo Protected Forest, with the Royal Sunangel as its most emblematic species. Juan Pérez and his family take care of this species and its habitat.
Fundo Alto Nieva is located in the buffer zone of the Alto Mayo Protected Forest, and its most representative hummingbirds are the Booted Racket-tail and the Long-tailed Sylph.
Finally, we arrive at Huembo in the department of Amazonas and where you can observe with great success the Marvellous Hummingbird, endemic and endangered species, emblematic of Peru.
First chapter projection: Hummingbird route
Voces del Bosque: Ruta de colibríes
🍿 Mira el primer capítulo de #VocesDelBosque: “Ruta de colibríes”.
🌳 La expedición inicia en Moyobamba, pasando por el Bosque de Protección Alto Mayo – Sernanp hasta Huembo en búsqueda del Colibrí maravilloso y otras hermosas especies de colibríes que podemos encontrar gracias al esfuerzo de personas y organizaciones dedicadas a la conservación de la naturaleza👉 “Voces del Bosque: Vida silvestre e historias de conservación en un clic” es un proyecto audiovisual de la empresa de ecoturismo Ikam Expeditions, que cuenta con el financiamiento del programa Turismo Emprende del Mincetur Perú.
#ikamexpeditions #bpam #ci #vidasilvestre #naturaleza #altomayo #amazonia #selva #flora #fauna #biodiversidad
Conservación Internacional PerúPublicado por Ikam Expeditions en Martes, 20 de julio de 2021