
Quail and Tinamou observatory of Arena Blanca Reserve

Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail in Arena Blanca Reserve

A Quail and Tinamou observatory has been operating in the Arena Blanca Reserve for several years, the first in northern Peru.

Species of the Quail and Tinamou observatory of Arena Blanca Reserve

Tinamous are rarely seen, but they are heard, they are elusive and make their presence known with their whistles, sounds that are part of the daily chorus in the Reserve. Quail are terrestrial birds that move in the undergrowth, are usually seen in groups, and at certain times of the year form large flocks.

The species most commonly watched at the observatory are the following:

Camera trap monitoring in the Tinamou and Quail observatory at Arena Blanca Reserve

Camera trap monitoring was conducted for two weeks in May 2022. The main results are shown below:


% of birds recorded in camera traps
% of birds recorded in camera traps

As we can observe in the graph, the species with the highest number of records is the White-tipped Pigeon, with 72% of records, followed by the Orange-billed Sparrow with 11%, the Little Tinamou with 10% and finally by the Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail with 7%.

In spite of having a lower percentage of records, the species of greatest interest are the Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail and Little Tinamou; in the case of the Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail, were recorded 67% of the days, and Little Tinamou 50% of the days of camera trap recordings.

Data of interest from camera trap records

Rufous-breasted Wood-quail observation data

The observation schedule records are as follows:

Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail registration schedules
Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail registration schedules

The main times of observation of the Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail were in the mornings from 7:10 to 8:45, with the highest number of records from 8:05 to 8:45. Another interesting fact is that up to 7 individuals of the species were recorded at the same time.

Little Tinamou observation data

The records of observation schedules are as follows:

In the case of Little Tinamou, observation times are distributed throughout the day; however, the times of greatest observation are also in the morning, from 6:10 to 9:35. In addition, there were records of up to 3 individuals of the species at the same time.

Little Tinamou registration schedules
Little Tinamou registration schedules

The Tinamou and Quail observatory shows interesting data on the success of sightings of these species and at very specific times that can help to organize visits and also improve sighting rates by visitors. It is important to continue with monitoring actions to refine the information and better understand the behavior of the species and therefore improve the services provided in the reserve.

You can find information on our tours to observe and photograph these species and others in the Arena Blanca Reserve and the Northern Peruvian Birding Route.

Observatorio de perdices y codornices de la Reserva Arena Blanca

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