A fabulous trip with a major hurdle: a civilian protest blocked the only highway between our starting point in Tarapoto and the majority of our stops in Moyobamba. Of our planned itinerary, we were only able to visit the first of three stops on day 1. I want to commend our guide Julio C. Tello Alvarado for doing an Amazing job of figuring out alternate locations to take us crazy birders for the remaining 4-5 days. He contacted several colleagues about nearby stakeout birds and filled the remaining 4-5 days with some of the best birding I’ve ever done.
Marvelous Spatuletail, Royal Sunangel, Long-whiskered Owlet, and Pale-billed Antpitta will have to wait for another trip. In their place, we saw truly iconic and glorious lower-elevation Amazon specialties and it was mindblowing. And the food was delicious.
Peru is a must-see. If you have the chance to go, do it!